

3.Warm and Bright

Access to Leo plot.光明暖男:进入黎欧线

4.Composed and Calm

Access to Locke plot.沉稳会长:进入洛库线。

5.Elegant and Indifference

Access to Jesse plot.高冷银发:进入泽希线

6.Attentive to detail

Receive a gift from Locke.细致入微:10月18日好感达到85,风属性达到30收到洛库的礼物。

7.Petty Bourgeoisie Taste

Buy a dessert in coffee shop.小资情调:在咖啡店购买一次甜品。

8.Buy immediately

Buy something in grocery store.立即购买:在杂货店购买一次物品。

9.This is unscientific

Finish a synthesis in magic house.这不科学:在魔法屋进行一次合成。

10.My mind

Send a gift.我的心意:送出一件礼物。

11.Star-mirror is within my reach

Get the phone numbers of Locke, Christ and Leo.星镜触手可及:取得洛库、克里斯特和黎欧的联系方式。


Unlocked all the part-time jobs.打工战士:解锁所有的打工。

13.Super scholar

Get 2,000 points in the exam at the beginning of the month.学霸:于月初考核时取得2000分的成绩


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