【1】What is the relationship between the two? 【10分】A
A. Saleswoman and customer.
B. Mother and son.
C. Friends.
D. Husband and wife.
2【听力训练】 (10分)
【1】Which statements are true?【3分】BC
A. Claudia is intelligent.
B. She likes people who are kinD
C. She likes sports.
D. She likes the theater.
【2】Claudia is looking for a person who is …【3分】ABCD
A. having same hobbies
B. kind
C. intelligent
D. gentle
【3】Which statements are false?【4分】BD
A. She is tall.
B. She loves reading.
C. She loves jogging.
D. She’s looking for someone who is handsome.
3【判断题】 (10分)B
It is common to use small talk when you are waiting in a long line-up.
A. 错
B. 对
4【判断题】 (10分)A
One reason people use small talk is to eliminate an uncomfortable silence.
A. 对
B. 错
5【听力训练】 (10分)
【1】Listen to the passage.
I can never guess the weather right (1). If I wear a warm shirt (2), the weather’s hot (3). If I wear cool clothes (4), there’s a cold wind (5).
Which sentences/clauses are rising at the end?
A. the weather’s hot (3)
B. there’s a cold wind (5).
C. If I wear cool clothes (4)
D. I can never guess the weather right (1)
【2】Listen to the passage.
When I don’t take my umbrella (6), it rains (7). If I take my umbrella (8), does it rain (9)? Of course not (10)!
Which sentences/clauses are rising at the end?【3分】BCD
A. it rains (7)
B. When I don’t take my umbrella (6)
C. If I take my umbrella (8)
D. does it rain (9)?
【3】Listen to the passage.
Then I leave it on the bus (11)! Oh well (12). We all have our weaknesses (13), I guess (14)!
Which sentences/clauses are rising at the end?【4分】BCD
A. Then I leave it on the bus (11)
B. We all have our weaknesses (13)
C. I guess (14)
D. Oh well (12)
6.【单选题】 (10分)B
When do people start to shake hands?
A. The Renaissanc
B. The Middle Ages
C. The Second Industrial Revolution
D. The First Industrial Revolution
7【判断题】 (10分)A