B、Danger! Deep water.
C、Carefully: the lake
3.下列是英汉对照公示语,请问译文正确的有( )
A、暂停服务(Out of Service)
B、严禁酒驾(Do Not Drink and Drive)
C、自行车停放处(Parking for Bicycles)
D、小心地滑(Caution: Wet Floor)
4.公示语“花儿美丽,请莫伸手”可以翻译为Keep off the flowers please。√
5.公示语“小心掉进湖里”对应的英文就是Carefully fall into the lake。X
1.下列哪些公示语没有采取直译,而是采取了改写的处理方式,且在功能上是对等的( )ABCD
A、一滴水就是一滴眼泪,请不要让它白流(Save water, it will save you later!)
B、酒驾葬送的不仅仅是自己的生命,害人害己(IF you drink and drive, you’ll have no IF.)
C、系上安全带,平安无意外(Wear your seat belt, or wear bandage)
D、严禁吸烟(No Smoking)
3.在公示语中使用押韵的修辞,可使公示语读来上口,令人难忘。比如If you sleep, your family will weep可以翻译为“疲劳驾驶事故多,莫让亲人泪成河”。√
4.从公示语语言简短精炼的特点来看,“只准临时停车上下客”中只需要翻译“准上下客”,译文可处理为Pickup and drop off only。√
5.公示语“平安春运,和谐春运”中的每个词都应该翻译出来,其译文Safe and sound on the way home是错误的表达。X
6.道路公示语“Be alert! Expect the unexpected”的汉语译文“谨慎驾驶,防止意外”是正确的( )正确
1.下列哪句广告借用了英语谚语?( )B
A、Take Toshiba, take the world(日本东芝)
B、Seeing is believing(某电视机广告)
C、No business too small. No problem too big(IBM公司广告)
2.下列哪些广告套用了英文谚语?( )ABCD
A、Where there is a South, there is a way(南方科技)
B、All work and no play makes a dull stay(新加坡旅游公司)
C、One man’s sushi is another man’s steak.(日本饭店)
D、A marshmallow a day puts a smile on your face(某软糖)
3.某种轮胎的广告语He laughs best who runs longest是套用了英语谚语He laughs best who laughs last。√
4.某公司促销的英文广告A good BUY to you,其中BUY为错误的拼写,正确的英文单词应该为BYE。X
5.教学录音带的广告A SOUND way to learn English,其中单词sound只有“声音”的意思。X
6.某洗发露广告语Start ahead反映了广告英语具有文字简洁、句式精悍的特点。√