CCitation and Plagiarism
DMultiple Language Association & American Physiology Association
4.[单选题] In which situations should we use citation?
AQuoting, Summarizing, Proverbs
BParaphrasing, Quoting, Common Knowledge
CCommon Knowledge, Quoting, Better safe than sorry
DSummarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting
5.[单选题] Which style of citation is the most specific and why?
AMLA requires the date of publication because they focus more on the Liberal arts and Humanities, and research in this field is only catalogued by year.
BAPA because they focus more on the Liberal arts, and research in this field is only catalogued by year.
CAPA requires the date of publication because they focus more on the scientific realm, and research in this field is always changing.
DThese two popular styles of citation are pretty much the same, and one does not require more details than the other.
6.[单选题] Which of these is an example of MLA Citation?
A(Stone 15)
B(Stone, 2014, p. 15) is an example of MLA Citation
7.[单选题] What are the two locations where citations can be found in a paper?
AAfter quotes and summarizing
BAt the beginning of the paper and at the end of the paper
CIn text or at the end of the text
DTo support your writing and to avoid plagiarism
8.[单选题] What does procrastination mean?
ASupporting the efforts of others
BGetting things done early
CWriting down references
Dleaving things until the last moment
Week 6
1.[单选题] Why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun?
ANouns show action
BNouns are informal.
CVerbs show action
DVerbs are informal.
2.[单选题]How do we tighten sentences?(排序)
1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas.
2、look for words that don’t do their share of the work
3、use strong verbs
4、Keep it clear and simple
3.[单选题]What are three synonyms for the word “say” (use a thesaurus)?
Amention, denigrate, proclaim