

BIt allows the writer to fully present all of the aspects of a subject in one paragraph with many interruptions or influences from other ideas or topics.

CIt allows the writer to fully present all of the aspects of a subject in one paragraph without any interruption or influence from other ideas or topics.

DIt allows the writer to fully present four ideas or topics in one paragraph without any interruption or influence from the subject.


3.[单选题] What are two ways that we can organize paragraphs according to this presentation?

Aintroduction, body, and conclusion

Bblock style and point-by-point style

Csummative and narrative

Dpoint-by-point style and comparative style


4.[单选题] What is a characteristic of point by point style writing?

AWriters can focus on comparing things through unique lenses or perspectives in each paragraph.

BThe writer can focus on completely explaining one subject in each paragraph.

CThe writer will personalize or reflect on the comparison made in the third paragraph.

DThe use of an introduction and conclusion are unique to this style of writing.


5.[多选题] When looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject.










Week 5

1.[单选题] Which of the following is not a reason to provide proper citation?

ATo show our hard work and all of the research that we’ve done

BTo plagiarize (using another person’s words or ideas without giving them proper credit)

CTo establish our credibility as a writer

DTo allow readers to find more information about our ideas


2.[单选题] When making citations at the end of a text, which lines must be indented?

AAll lines except the first line

BAll lines except the last line

CThe first line

DThe second line


3.[单选题] What are the two most commonly used citation styles?

AModern Language Association & American Psychological Association

BSocial Sciences & Liberal Arts and Humanities

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