

C、Making enough preparations

D、Staying up late before you give a speech


2、【多选题】How can good listening benefit us?

A、Good listening provides us with right language input

B、Good listening can help us establish healthy relationships.

C、Good listening can advance our careers.

D、Good listening can take the place of speaking.


3、【判断题】Listening is only an automatic reaction of the sense and nervous system while hearing is the “receiving” part of the communication process.


4、【判断题】You can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible.


5、【判断题】As a speaker, you should show your audience that you are an “expert” by adding a lot difficult information in your speech.


6、【判断题】As a speaker, we should speak fast to show our fluency.


7、【判断题】Listening is the basis of language learning. If we can’t listen well, we can’t speak well.


8、【判断题】A good speaker is the speaker who can keep on talking。



1、【单选题】If a speaker says something like “leftover women” or “bald”, you might experience a strong emotional reaction that can block out your ability to listen, what should you do?

A、Stay calm and remain objective

B、Get extremely angry

C、Criticize the speaker for saying something “stupid”

D、Shut your ears immediately


2、【多选题】If you see the following negative feedbacks from audiences, like dozing, daydreaming and even strong impatience, how to “wake up your audience”?

A、Adjusting your tone.

B、Showing a catchy visual.

C、Telling a joke.

D、Raising your voice and shouting to the audience.


3、【判断题】If you want to listen well, you should listen to lots of new materials, and never stick on to one piece of material.


4、【判断题】Effective listeners play an active role by guiding the speaker toward common interests.


5、【判断题】As a listener, we can just shut our ears when the speaker is not talking about things we are interested in to save more time.

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