

答案:sleep daily air


1、【判断题】原文:中国的对外政策是一贯的。概括起来三句话:第一是反对霸权主义;第二是维护世界和平;第三是加强同第三世界国家的团结与合作。中:外策 一贯// sum up 三句: 1).反霸 2).维W. P . 3). ↑ 3rd W 团&合 //


2、【判断题】原文:位于欧洲西部的荷兰王国,国家不大,面积4.14万平方千米,人口1500万,全境地势低洼,素称“低地之国”。位 欧 W 荷 : ×大 面:4.14 人:1500 地低→ “低地 ” //


3、【判断题】原文:After the accession to the WTO, China’s reform and opening up will enter a new era. Joining the WTO is the requirement of our reform and opening up which is the fundamental interest of China. 入 WTO 中’ 改/开→ new era// 加 WTO 改/开’ req. √ 中利//


4、【判断题】原文:On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. √US 客 TKS→ your 盛情: ∵→中°闻 世 //


5、【判断题】原文:The 2000 business leaders, politicians, academics and pundits offered their respective viewpoints on the issue. 2000 企° 政° 表 观点 学° 权°//



1、【填空题】原文:听音频填空。译文:Prince George is just as _______ for Christmas as any other kid. His dad, Prince William, presented his son’s gift list to Santa Claus during a royal ______ to Finland. Cameras captured the adorable moment (though the little prince wasn’t there) … and a close-up of the list shows the one thing George wants for Christmas … a _______ car! The hand-written note included a message that he had been nice, not naughty this past year and even signed it with his own name.

答案:excited visit police


1、【填空题】原文:Expanding our co-operation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.译文:扩大我们在科技______的合作可以成为我们送给未来的最大一份_____。

答案:方面 礼物

2、【填空题】原文:It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open.译文:创业容易______。


3、【填空题】原文:Applicants who had worked at a job for five or more years would be given certain preference over those who had not.译文:工作五年或_____的申请者将给予一定_____。

答案:五年以上 优惠

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