

C、China’s mid-income class amounted to 30 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.



A、China’s intelligent logistics market will exceed 1 billion yuan by 2025.

B、China’s intelligent logistics market size will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2025.

C、China’s intelligent logistics market will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2025.



A、How many times do you visit China?

B、How long have you been in China?

C、Is this your first visit to China?


6、【判断题】by ones and twos 译文:三三两两


7、【判断题】20.67% 译文:twenty point sixty seven percent


8、【判断题】6.4 million 译文:6400万


9、【判断题】12/47 译文:twelve over forty-seven


10、【判断题】一言为定 译文:A bargain is a bargain.



1、【填空题】原文:Chinese communities enjoy a worldwide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine”. The exquisite Chinese culinary art, regarded indisputably as one of the world’s finest culinary traditions, has prevailed all over the world. Since China has a vast territory, and the products, climate and living habits are quite different in each place, the flavor of food is quite different: southerners like light food, northerners prefer a heavily seasoned taste, Sichuan people like hot food, Shanxi people like sour food and so on.译文:中国享有“_________”之美誉,精致的_________盛行全球。中国菜不但花样多,而且具有色、香、味、形俱佳的特点。由于中国地域________,各地的物产、气候和生活习惯不同,因此人们的口味也各不相同:南方人口味________,北方人口味较重,四川人喜欢吃辣,山西人__________。

答案:烹饪王国 烹调艺术 辽阔 清淡 喜欢吃酸


1、【填空题】原文:皮影戏(shadow play)也叫灯影戏(light shadow play),是中国最古老的戏剧之一。演员们伴随音乐歌唱,同时控制皮影。这些戏的内容以传统历史剧和寓言故事居多。皮影戏融合了戏剧、音乐和绘画的一些特点,是文学写作、工匠雕刻和绘画以及民间歌唱的融合体。它使人愉快、内容丰富、雅俗共赏,且具有丰富的文化内涵和艺术源泉。古时候,皮影戏像现代电影和电视一样带给人们快乐。现代社会很难再见到这个神秘的剧种。皮影戏世界文化和艺术界的瑰宝。译文:Shadow play, also called light shadow play, is one of __________ in China. Actors sing along _______ music, and control shadow tools at the same time. The contents of those plays are more about ____________ and fable stories. Shadow play ________ some characters of drama, music and paintings, and is an ________ of literary writing, handicraftsmen’s carving and painting, and folk singing. It’s delightful, abundant, suiting both refined and popular tastes, and contains __________ and__________ . In ancient times, it brought people pleasure as modem movies and TVs do. In modern society, it’s very difficult to find the _____________ again. Shadow play is __________ in the world ____________ .

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