

答案:the oldest operas with traditional historical dramas combines integration rich culture art resources mysterious drama a treasure culture and art circles


1、【填空题】原文:May I know the main items you export?译文:问你们主要的_________是什么?


2、【填空题】原文:Could you show me your catalogs or pamphlets?译文:给我看看你们的______好吗?


3、【填空题】原文:Our products have been sold a number of areas abroad. They’re very popular with the users there.译文:我们的产品_____海外许多地区,很受那里用户的_______。

答案:行销 欢迎

4、【填空题】原文:为什么不先订购一笔试试,测探一下市场的潜力?译文:Why not place__________ to sound out ___________?

答案:A trial order the market potential

5、【填空题】原文:我们才着手经营这一行当,恐怕眼下做不了多少。译文:We’re just __________, I’m afraid we can’t do much right now.

答案:taking up the line


1、【填空题】原文:Could you make offers for the items listed in your catalog? 译文:目录中所列的______你们能报价吗?


2、【填空题】So far as we know, the market is quite firm. And it’s bound to advance with the coming of the season. 译文:据我们所知, 市场很_____。随着______的到来行情必然看涨。

答案:坚挺 旺季

3、【填空题】原文:I must say the price is too high for me to accept—-almost twice what I would pay for such an item elsewhere. 译文:我必须指明这__________,我无法接受—-几乎比我从别处买这种货要_________。

答案:价格太高 高出一倍

4、【填空题】原文:这是价格单。但是这些价格是以我方最后确认为准。如果你有具体询价,我们可以报实盘。译文:Here’s _________. But the prices are subject to ___________. If you inquire specifically, we can give you firm offers.

答案:the price list our final confirmation

5、【填空题】原文:现在我们报实盘:9304号商品100吨,每公吨鹿特丹到岸价为150美元,十月初交货。 译文:minute…Now we offer you firm for 100 tons of Item 9304____________, to be delivered in Early October.

答案:At US $ 150


1、【填空题】原文:Our T-shirts are well known for their fine quality. They’re a great favorite with young people anywhere. 译文:我们的T恤衫以________出名.不管哪儿的年轻人都_______它。

答案:品质优良 喜欢

2、【填空题】原文:I won’t say others’ T-shirts are not attractive. But look at ours. You can see that they’re good in material, fashionable in design and superb in workmanship. 译文:我不认为别人的T恤衫不引人注意, 不过请看我们的. 你可以看得出这T恤衫________、__________、工艺精湛。

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