


2、【判断题】Providing the registration number can save our time for pulling up the information.


3、【判断题】When upgrading the room, we should never pay the extra charge.


4、【判断题】There are several ways for booking a hotel, such as online booking, telephone booking, etc..


5、【判断题】We don’t need to give tips to bellboy when reaching the hotel.


6、【简答题】What should you do to check in the hotel when you have a reservation?


6.1Banquet Speech(宴会致辞)

1、【简答题】In general, there are two types of banquet speech. Please list out the layout of each of them respectively.

答案:–Content of Welcoming Speech: (1).Form of Address; (2).Extending Welcome; (3). Relationship Development; (4).Future Cooperation; (5).Proposing a Toast. –Content of Appreciating Speech: (1).Form of Address; (2).Expressing Thanks; (3).Intention of Visiting; (4).Future Cooperation; (5).Proposing a Toast.

2、【简答题】Please compare the similarity and differences between welcoming speech and appreciating speech, then present it in oral report.

答案:Similar to the welcoming speech, the appreciating speech also covers 5 parts. Firstly, the form of address, then goes a reply for warm welcome by host or hostess. In the following, the guests will mention the goal of visiting while the host may start recalling the history of cooperation here in the welcoming speech. Then, the both ending will go to their hopes for future cooperation. Finally, it is the same toast part again.

3、【论述题】Imagine you are one staff on behalf of ABC company to entertain the clients, please make a welcoming speech in the banquet.


6.2Western cuisine(西式餐饮)

1、【判断题】On the western dinner table, the bread and butter plate is on the center.


2、【判断题】Place your napkin on the lap as soon as you are seated when you are having the western dinner.


3、【判断题】You can talk with food in your mouth at the dinner.


4、【判断题】Things those are not eaten like bones should be put on the table at the western dinner .


6.3Chinese cuisine(中式餐饮)

1、【单选题】The flavor of Shandong cuisine is_______.

A、spicy and hot

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