


D:Peking Opera

答案: 【Peking Opera】


1、问题:Three kinds of words, words beginning with a vowel, those ending with a consonant, words of one or two syllables, are more likely to be misunderstood or difficult to understand.




答案: 【对】

2、问题:Read the following choice items for a news report and answer the following question.A) They will not be welcomed by young people.B) They will help to popularize early marriage.C) They will boost China’ s economic growth.D) They will not come into immediate effect.· Which of the following would be the main target of its question?


A:the importance of a policy

B:young people’s early marriage

C:China’s economic development

D:the immediate effect of something

答案: 【the importance of a policy】

3、问题:Read the following choice items for a conversation and predict the question.A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.B) It lists the various challenges physicists arc confronting.C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved.D) It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written.· Which of the following could not be inferred from the choice items?


A:The conversation may mention the targeted customers.

B:The conversation may be about physics.

C:The conversation may mention magics.

D:The conversation may mention difficult problems in physics.

答案: 【The conversation may mention magics.】

4、问题:Read the following choice items for a passage and predict the question.A) All services will be personalized.B) A lot of knowledge-intensive jobs will be replaced.C) Technology will revolutionize all sectors of industry.D) More information will be available.· Which of the following could be inferred from the choice items?


A:The question is about the future of industry in the information age.

B:The question is about the importance of knowledge in the future.

C:The passage is about artificial intelligence’s importance to the society.

D:The passage is about the future of society with the developed technology.

答案: 【The passage is about the future of society with the developed technology.】

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